As a small or medium-sized business, building a brand—and telling that brand story—can be a very daunting task. With little budget, few resources and even less free time, telling your brand story and creating awareness seem almost impossible. No longer willing to pay premiums for large quantities of printed materials—or deal with lengthy lead times—businesses are now turning to on-demand printing options and digital publications for their branding needs.

Creating professional-looking content not only showcases your company exactly the way you want it to be seen, but it also gives customers the perception that your business is larger than it really is. With its new web service HP MagCloud, HP is making it easier for businesses to self-publish and distribute content—branded magazines, brochures, portfolios, catalogs etc.—as professional-quality print publications, or digitally for mobile and online viewing. In addition to saving you time and money, HP MagCloud will also handle the printing, distribution and shipping, so that you can focus on creating engaging content.

Make your story stand out
HP MagCloud is designed to take the headaches out of self-publishing. Content creators are able to use their favorite desktop publishing, word-processing or design program to create an HP MagCloud-ready PDF. There are also a variety of provided tools, templates and guides to ease the creation process.

A user simply uploads a multi-page PDF to their HP MagCloud account, chooses from a number of binding and distribution options, and then chooses their publishing option. All content is printed to order using HP Indigo technology, delivering professional print quality with no waste or overruns, while reducing the impact on the environment. Print orders can arrive in as little as three business days, while digital versions are available immediately. It’s really that easy.

Up until recently, businesses had to print thousands of copies in advance, often at a large expense. With HP MagCloud, users can print materials on an as-needed basis and change content in real-time. It truly is a one-stop shop.

Unlike other print and publishing services, MagCloud offers users the choice to offer their content for free or for a price in both an eye-catching print format and ultra-portable digital download. MagCloud even has an iPad application so SMBs can distribute their content directly to mobile devices.

Living in a digital world
Files uploaded to HP MagCloud instantly have the option to be placed into the online storefront. It’s here that users have the option to sell their content in print and digital format.  Alternatively, print publications can be made available for just the cost of production (as low as $.16 a page) or for free or for a price as a digital version.

Once loaded to the HP MagCloud storefront, people can order your materials in a print or digital format, using a credit card or PayPal account. Your account username also doubles as a unique URL for your storefront (e.g. You can then promote your storefront and your publications using a variety of social media tools and widgets. And if someone discovers your content, HP MagCloud makes it easy for them to share it as well.

The digital content you create is available for viewing via the browser-based MagCloud Web Viewer, in the HP MagCloud iPad app or as a downloadable PDF on a computer or other mobile device—making it easier than ever to share your content with people on-the-go.

Whether you’re creating an event program, work portfolio, organisational newsletter, company brochure, product catalog or consumer magazine, HP MagCloud will turn your content into a professionally printed and bound publication or digital download—all with a few clicks of the mouse.