Yes for the Past Years Now, People has been think of how they can check their Spouse Pregnancy Status without the help of a Hospital but the Aid of a smart phone, and it was not a successful task then. Due to the Available phone that does this, is the Blackberry smart phone and it does it with a code which many can't afford to know and too this Blackberry smart phone is very Exorbitant, that one could easily afford to buy it, except the Wealthy people as of then can afford this smart phone.
Yes many has been think when can this Technology arrive to their new High End Smart Phones {E.g: Android, iOS ETC...) but I'm here today to inform you and not to deform you about the new way of Checking your Spouse Pregnancy Test with an Easy method, you don't need to put a code again to do this, just the scan of your finger in your Android phone and the results of the test comes up and you thank God for the Fruit of the Womb.
There just only one way to do this, and it only requirement to to locate and Download an Android Software or App, from Google Play Store, which i will enclose the name of the App here soon and also provide an External download link to the this special app for checking Pregnancy status. Because i know many of You Reading this Blog post will love this Great App, because it works 100% and i have tested it severally before posting it.
The Above Screen Shot, is the App, it is just simple to Use, and the Name is "PREGNANCY TEST APP" You can use the name and search for it on Google Play Store and download it, or you download the one i will be providing the link below this post.
Yes to use this App is very Simple and Lucrative, so Amazing that my Eyes could not behold what i saw, you know in this dispensation of High End Mobile Technology World, we are to expect so many things from it, because, with the Aid of an App in our Android Smart Phone, we can do so many things in this life and also by the Grace of God and His Mercy helps us to discover most Apps and Technology we use today, because it is good to give God the Glory in all you do, so that He will do more and more, so to use this app, as i said before is very simple, just like a finger scanner, then you are done with it, if you know how to scan your finger and you only place your finger on the side of the app where you are seeing a finger print icon on it. Just exercise a little patience and the scan will be through and give you your result status. i will post the screen shots pictures of the results was Positive and Negative soon,..
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