A lot of users are having this problem and if you want to receive an OTA you have to flash the stockmunrooted firmware that will cause lose of data.
this guide will show you how to receive OTA again without losing your stuff
This works on GT-I9500 ONLY! (Lollipop 5.0.1 Recovery)
This also should work on any other model, but you have to replace the recovery with your model!
1- Go to SuperSU and scroll down to "Full unroot" then reboot.
2- Download This file to PC and extract it.
3- Go to download mode by pressing the power key + home key + volume down key at the same time, then press volume up.
4- Flash the file via Odin (AP) or (PDA)
go to check the system status, you will find it Official
you can now receive OTA.
What is OTA (Over The Air)? Its an update which you can receive over wifi or mobile data.
What do i get from OTA? Well, if you root your device you wont be able to receive an update again, unless from flashing firmware via Odin.
- Why im still on custom status? Because you modified your system.
- What kind of modifying? Installing busybox, editing or deleting or changing any app or file system.
and some times xposed.
- How do i restore the old app? You can restore them by flashing firmware or by restoring Nandroid backup.
- Then what is the use of your guide? Well my guide helps in first place the rooted not the modded onces.
and always do Nandroid of the original system apps+data
you are still having your apps, data, pics, vids, etc...
you can root again at anytime.
check my thread for rooting if you want
I'm not responsible for any bricks in your phone!!!
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